
Indira Gas & Petroleum sells Multi size & weighted Cylinders in open market and provide refilling of such cylinders in legal way via our dealer and distributor network on very cheaper rates as compared to the refills being sold in open market and Govt. Oil Companies.
Material of Construction
Gas cylinders store gases under high pressures.
Gas cylinders can store both flammable gases, such as acetylene, and inert gases such as helium.

Advantages of having Indira Gas Connection

Minimum connection charges.
Safe & strong mark duly approved by BIS & explosive deptt.
No tension of accident.
Available with regulator & pipe.
Exchangeable, no wait for filling
Returnable as other cylinders.
Normal refill charges.
Assured full quantity
OCost bearable being less quantity.
Easy to carry with comfortable grip.
Delivery at door step.
Delivery within 24 hours at convenient time of customer
Easily available in every corner all over India.
No tension of transfer, can carry anywhere when transfer.
No limit of quantity of refill.


Gas cylinders can be made from aluminium, steel, alloys, and composite materials. Mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and impact resistance are critical factors in determining which material is used. Carbon fiber composite cylinders can be very light due to the high tensile strength of carbon fiber, but are more difficult to manufacture. A commonly used type of gas cylinders is a LPG tank. LPG is a gas used in homes, farms, businesses, and industry. LPG is typically used for heating and must be stored in specially designed LPG tanks.

The different types of LPG cylinders of Indira Gas and Petroleum includes:

Compact4 kg cylinders for rural, hilly and inaccessible areas,
12 & 15 kg cylinders for domestic use
17 kg for commercial and industrial use
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